Rehabilitation & Exercise Technology

Derek is not one to passively wait for spontaneous recovery. He works at it. In October 2008, his life changed from a car accident that left him with a T4-5 spinal cord injury resulting in paraplegia. As a college student, he put his studies on hold and concentrated on his rehabilitation as an inpatient at Craig Hospital in Denver, CO. After being discharged 6 months later, Derek returned to the Edwards in a Colorado mountain village, completed his college studies at Colorado University Boulder with a degree in Finance and continued with his own physical therapy and exercise routine at home to build his basic strength.
Armed with his degree and ready to launch his career, Derek returned to the Denver area. But he wanted to step up from his home routine. He returned to Craig Hospital, but not as a patient. He returned as a member of the PEAK Center. PEAK (Performance, Exercise, Attitude and Knowledge) is an adaptive health and wellness center that serves individuals with neurological conditions. Members gain access to highly trained staff, an engaging environment and cutting edge technology with a variety of membership options and specialized classes. The environment is warm. Derek describes it as a personalized setting and has built camaraderie among the other members.
When Derek joined the Center, he had an in-depth initial evaluation with a Doctor of Physical Therapy who helped him to create an individualized, activity-based programs tailored to his specific goals. Working one-on-one with his trainer, Derek trains like a machine in a technology-rich routine. Within his weekly routine, he moves from the FES cycle to the LOKOmat robotic treadmill and from the Zero Gravity trainer to the RT600 upright elliptical trainer. All of the technology used is coupled with core training exercises. Derek’s plan has resulted in improved core strength, increased balance and reduction in common complications related to spinal cord injury.
Learn more about the Craig Hospital PEAK program and the technology here.
For Consumers & Caregivers, view our free resource page for Disuse Muscle Atrophy – Exercising weak or paralyzed muscles.
Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂
Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂