Neurotech entrepreneurs not only face the challenges of nurturing a start-up venture but also doing so in an emerging and regulated field.

How can you navigate the various pathways and solve problems along the way? There is no clear roadmap. But there is a vibrant network of experienced people and creative problem-solvers.

Join the Neurotech Entrepreneur Working Network to help keep your venture on track through the power of the network.

Inaugural Meeting

Join us for introductions to the network, timely topic discussions and ways to stay connected offline.

NEWN Register

Sign-up! We would love to have you join our first NEWN meeting on Thursday, June 25 at 12PM EDT.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Open Entrepreneur Network


Virtual network of neurotech entrepreneurs meeting regularly to overcome the challenges and ceasing the opportunites. Learn, share and grow with the network. OpEN meets monthly in video conference. Topic guest speakers and topic discussion to be posted.

Deep Entrepreneur Network


Coming Soon!