Neurotech Network offers community engagement services to facilitate meaningful engagement between developers and the targeted community

Market Analysis & Validation
Refine your market analysis and gain an understanding of key preferences. Find the use case supporting evidence and assess the competition. We can do the heavy lifting for your market validation.

Engagement Program Design
Tailor an engagement program for your organization. Let us help you design a meaningful engagement program. We can help you to connect with KOL in your targeted population.

Community engagement is about building relationships. We can help you develop key targets and contacts with potential partners, patient advocacy organizations, and key opinion leaders.

Added Services with NeurotechX Services
Through our partnership with NeurotechX Services, you can access added services to help your business grow. Service lines include Strategic Advisory across multiple functions, Recruitment, Technical & Engineering, Science & Research, Workshop & Event support and Investor Support & Fundraising Advisory.